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February 5, 2013
No Place for Hate Committee
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
5:30 p.m.
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor

Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Jeff Cohen, Councilor Bill Legault, Tyson Lynch, Shawn Newton, Councillor Joe O’Keefe, Lt. Conrad Prosniewski, Chair Scott Weisberg

Staff Present: Kristian Hoysradt (Mayor’s Office)

Approval of Minutes: Unanimous Approval
 Motion: Jeff Cohen, Seconded: Lt. Conrad Prosniewski

Recap of Dedication Ceremony:

  • Great teamwork, turnout and press
  • Thank you notes with photos of the rock were sent to all sponsors and speakers
  • Interesting coincidence that the location of the plaque is where a protestor used to yell anti-sematic profanity outside of the Salem News Office, who was eventually arrested by Lt. Prosniewski and prosecuted by Rep. John Keenan
  • Committee hopes to use the publicity from the event to promote the No Place for Hate’s future collaborative activities throughout 2013
Potential 2013 Sponsorships/Collaborations:

  • Salem Film Festival, March 7th – 14th
  • Kristian will speak with Rinus at the Chamber of Commerce for more information regarding sponsorships and volunteer opportunities
  • White Ribbon Day, March 7th  
  • Kristian will work with Mayor and Mickey Northcutt regarding a proclamation
  • Salem Award Foundation Award Dinner, March 26th
  • Kristian will work with Scott and Tyson to setup a meeting with current Chair Julie Rose  to discuss collaboration efforts
  • SSU Community Seder
  • President Meservey is interested in hosting – Scott will work with Shawn Newton if collaboration is possible
Quarterly Speakers Series: The Committee will look to host speaker events once every few months based around a particular month’s theme e.g. February: Black History Month, June: LGBT Pride Month etc. Salem State University may be hosting a speakers symposium in conjunction with the Salem Award Foundation in October – something to look into through Shawn Newton and Julie Rose.

ADL Cooperation: Kristian will speak with Mayor Driscoll about her willingness to put in a call to the local ADL to reestablish a relationship with the No Place for Hate Committee. Kristian will also look to invite the Mayor to the March or April NPFH Meeting so the Committee can give her an update of our activities.

Hate Crime Diversion Program:

  • Salem State University currently has a program that the No Place for Hate Committee and Lt. Prosniewski could use as a pilot program for a Hate Crime diversion program as recommended and approved by the courts, but is not currently funded or required.
-   Statue: Part IV, Title I, Chapter 265, Section 39
-   Program would be funded by a $100 surcharge against violators   
-   Once the program is running, the judge can send a defendant to the diversion program even if he or she was not convicted.
-   SSU just needs to confirm a few more details with Shawn before giving the full go-ahead. Questions that remain include:
  • Who will be the responsible party for the program
  • Where would the program be hosted
  • How long would it be: half day, full day etc.
  • Shawn Newton will keep the Committee updated on the progress
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 5:30 p.m.

Adjournment: 6:55 p.m.